lundi 27 octobre 2008

cowboy boots

i will search for them when i go home
for no more than thirty dollars at value village
i will eat sour patch kids and fruit leather
i will park my battered little green car in the wide wide parking lot of glendale mall and marsh grocery store and
i will buy things i know i do not need
i will eat a hearty breakfast most days,
with bacon and syrup
i will wrap presents and sing carols
i will show julien the pretty houses on meridian street where
i will never live and the big schools that look so unfriendly from the outside
i will watch videos of forgotten recital routines, full of tongue biting and bad pirouettes
i will eat perfectly salted popcorn at the movies on christmas day
i will chase the ducks on the canal in broad ripple and
i will drink hot chocolate with my mother and cocktails with my father after church
i will show him where my grandparents used to live and the places where i fell in love and
i will do all of these things that remind me of home
and then
i will go home again

vendredi 24 octobre 2008

the hangover that didn't happen

and am very grateful for that. (thank you aspirin).  

birthday dinner went off without a hitch (a long climb up rue de belleville but it made us hungry so that ended up being a bonus). the food was delicious, the wine was amazing, the boy was happy. all good things. drinks with friends at the express bar and a short ride home before 1am. all good things.

nespresso in the morning, a lovely chat with a smiley parisian woman at a stoplight who liked my rabbit fur jacket ("marché aux puces ou le marais?" "ben, le maris..." i admitted, guiltily. "but i didn't buy it, it was a gift"). singing and dancing alone in the office this morning, only to be caught by the gardien who was standing in the doorway with the mail...laughing. why is she so tan? two white chocolate cookies for breakfast. watching an old movie tonight at one of the tiny theatres on rue des écoles. all good things. very bad thing. i just read an article in the herald tribune (since my boss finished his paper during the hour and a half that he was stuck in the train because it ran over someone, okay- two bad things):

sarah palin is really starting to scare me...i have always had nightmares but they were improbable before (faking death in a helicopter crash so that the nazi soldiers wouldn't find me and i could escape into the jungle, strangling a baby, setting a haunted house on fire, sitting before a panel of french doctors and then having to pay sixty-nine euros because i didn't have health insurance, taking flight on my bicycle, chatting with monkeys in a café...just things that probably won't happen); but the pitbull hockey mom with a barely used passport and a degree in journalism who wasn't even popular in high school and who probably wants to make my kids pray in school who could be headed to the white house, that is beyond nightmarish. so i already mailed my ballot.  get those scary people out!!! it's almost halloween. i have enough scary things in my imagination, i don't need them in real life.

so tonight i will try to find a pumpkin to carve. another good thing...keep 'em comin' please.

jeudi 23 octobre 2008

in anticipation of tomorrow's hangover...

my boyfriend came to see me at the office today wearing a bowler hat, a sweatshirt, a scarf that he has had since kndergarten (read, very very short) and a pair of kelly green sweatpants with one leg rolled up. but it's his birthday so he may do as he pleases.

strange things have happened today... i bit my tongue in my sleep so it's been difficult to express myself. i know there will be bottles and bottles of wine tonight and there will be an abundance of self-expression. i have a headache just thinking about it.

will raconte tout demain from my little desk overlooking the little courtyard sipping my little hot chocolate (received yesterday from hayley who cared enough to go to the post office...thank you hayley).

à demain!