well, why not?
everyone else is doing it...why can't i?
perhaps i am ignorant, new to this blogging business but i just discovered that there are four million anglophone blogs about paris. paris fashion, paris travel, paris literature, paris pets, food, music, movies...everything...seems like everyone else got to it before i did.
perhaps i should have begun blogging years ago about being an au pair or a waitress at a diner...or a student at a physical theatre school...but those days are all over and now i am a secretary and one-half of a folk/pop duo so i guess things could get interesting...
i will not, however, write about the french "look"
(i will not remark on the ballerina flats, sailor shirts, trench coats, inherited hermès bags, messy hair, just-right vintage flair, velib-riding, cafe-sitting, chain smoking, dog-walking,
scarf-tying, pouty face-making qualities of these people. i'll leave that to the others).
on uniforms:
the pierre hermé man has to wear a very dressy black chef's uniform as he unloads the macarons at the store on rue cambon, i feel sorry for the poor guy, less sorry now than i would have if i had noticed him last week in the sweltering heat, but sorry nonetheless.
the butcher who delivers the hamburger meat to the diner every morning always wears a spotless white overcoat and carrries a clipboard.
the café richard delivery man has it easy, a few light boxes of coffee pods and the occasional filter, i believe his overcoat is blue...he is a happy little fellow.
the postman is jolly and i know he's coming because i can hear him whistling in the courtyard, he has enormous dreadlocks and an earring and a great lisp and he is very organized, i like him.
there is a hierarchy at the jean-louis david training center, the trainees have to wear white and the supervisors wear black. it is easy for the supervisors to look thin and chic, but try making ill-fitting white cotton trousers look chic...very few succeed and those who do generally give better haircuts.
the chanel girls all wear different variations of the same ugly suit, with a little cc lapel pin. i often see them at mcdonald's looking hungry.
the laduree girls wear the same polka dotted neck tie. i think it's cute, but if i had to wear it everyday, i would not think it was cute.
and on and on, i often study the people coming out of the metro and try to guess where they work. in retail we call this profiling, in life i call it observation.
i wonder where they think i work. sometimes i dress like molly ringwald and sometimes dorothy parker, sometimes interplanet janet or doris day and sometimes there is even a janis or patti nod in the mix. i wear what i please...thank you.